Property Maintenance/Code Enforcement
The Building Inspection Department enforces property maintenance standards for both residential and commercial properties. The Code enforcement officer enforces these standards by using multiple guidelines from the City of Evansdale Code of Ordinances.
Some of the maintenance guidelines can be reviewed by linking to the following chapters in our code:
Chapter 50 Nuisance Abatement and Procedures
Chapter 51 Junk & Junk Vehicles
Chapter 105.05 Open Burning Restricted
The above chapters are a couple of references for the most common property maintenance issues.
If you are having an issue in your neighborhood, please complete the link below and complete a complaint form and either email the form to, mail the form to Evansdale City Hall at 123 Evans Rd., or drop it off at City Hall. Please don't hesitate to contact our office at 319-232-6683 or 319-493-0641 (code enforcement) if you have any questions or concerns.