When is city hall open?
City Hall hours will be Monday through Friday, 7:30AM - 4:30PM, except for holidays and weather emergencies. (Effective October 8, 2008)
City Hall offices are closed for the following holidays:
- New Year's Day
- President's Day
- Memorial Day
- Independence Day (Fourth of July)
- Labor Day
- Thanksgiving Day
- Friday after Thanksgiving
- Day before Christmas
- Christmas Day
- Day after Christmas
Any holidays falling on a Saturday are observed on the preceding regularly scheduled working day; holidays falling on a Sunday are observed on the following regularly scheduled working day.
When and Where do I vote?
Upcoming elections are:
General Election
Next Election date: November 7, 2023
General, Municipal and Primary Elections Poll Locations:
Ward 1 -- Evansdale City Hall
123 N Evans Road
Ward 2 -- Community Response Center
911 Evans Road
Ward 3 -- Evansdale City Hall
123 N Evans Road
Ward 4 -- Community Response Center
911 Evans Road
A ward map is provided for your convenience below.
Any further questions may be directed to the election department. The telephone number is 833-3007 and the e-mail address is elections@blackhawkcounty.iowa.gov
2012 Ward Map
Please view for the slight changes made to the Ward Map
Where do I apply for a dog or cat license and what is the cost?
Dog and cat licenses are handled by the business office located in City Hall. All dogs and cats that reside in the city limits must be licensed and tagged after reaching six months of age. Proof of rabies vaccination is also required on file in City Hall. Charges vary depending on whether or not the animal is spayed/neutered or not. Beginning January 1 until April 15th (think tax day!) the fee will be $5.00 for spayed/neutered pets and $15.00 for animals that have not been unsexed. The fee will increase $1.00 for each month after April 15th. Any and all questions regarding pet licenses can be directed to the City Hall employees.
When is my garbage picked up?
Garbage pick-up day is every Monday excluding holidays. On all Monday holidays the garbage will be picked up the following Tuesday.
What are the hours of the brush dump?
Effective May 2015, the hours of the brush dump, located down near the entrance of Deerwood Park, are:
Year Round
Monday - Sunday
7:00 a.m. - 7:00 p.m.
Where is recycling picked up?
Recycling bins are located next to the Evansdale Street Garage at 130 Brown Street, one block north of Lafayette Road in downtown Evansdale. Recyclable materials include:
Magazines and catalogs
Flattened cardboard
Plastic milk jugs
Flattened, rinsed tin cans
Clear glass containers
We do not accept:
Colored or window glass
Colored plastic or plastic bags
Paint, oil, or any other household hazardous wastes
Household garbage
Our continued low rates for garbage collection are due in part to Evansdale citizens' participation in our recycling drop-off program. Keep up the good work!
Who do I contact regarding Section 8 Housing?
The contact number for the Evansdale Municipal Housing Authority is:
(319) 234-0385
The address of the EMHA office is 119 Morrell Court.